• Natural Gas News

    Scarborough News: Could gas ‘fracking’ come to Scarboro’?



British Geological Survey identifies a key well has been identified in Cloughton for providing information about shale gas potential under Scarborough.


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Press Notes

Scarborough News: Could gas ‘fracking’ come to Scarboro’?

Scarborough could find itself at the centre of controversial “fracking” plans after the area was identified as a hot bed for shale gas.

Should commercial extraction become a reality locally, the communities directly affected are set to receive a promised £100,000 per well.

In a report by the British Geological Survey, a key well has been identified in Cloughton for providing information about shale gas potential under Scarborough.

Other key sites for exploration in the area can be found on the outskirts of Malton in Kirby Misperton, High Hutton and Duggleby.

The wells sit on the Bowland-Hodder basin, which stretches from Northern Wales to the North York Moors and contains as much 1,300 trillion cubic feet of shale.

The find has been welcomed by the Government in its bid to exploit a cheaper energy supply.  MORE