• Natural Gas News

    Weekly Times Now: CSG inquiry push from Labor



Labor's push for an inquiry into the Coal Seam Gas industry in Victoria is solely about safety, John Lenders says


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Weekly Times Now: CSG inquiry push from Labor

LABOR'S push for an inquiry into the Coal Seam Gas industry in Victoria is solely about safety, John Lenders says.

The Opposition today will introduce a motion into the Legislative Council to have the Environment and Natural Resources committee gather information about unconventional gas explorations, including CSG.

If the government agrees the committee, with a government member majority of three members to two, would report back March 31 next year – effectively resulting in a one-year moratorium on CSG.

The motion calls for an investigation into the extent of unconventional exploration for gas in Victoria, consider the impacts, safety for workers, the health of the community and jobs.
CSG mining involves fracking, which injects a high-pressure mix of water, sand and chemical into the ground.

"Labor supports jobs in regional Victoria whether they are in abattoirs or mining. We're not anti-jobs. CSG has created so many questions in regional community and we need a definitive report," Mr Lenders said.  MORE