• Natural Gas News

    DutchNews.nl: Shale gas company and Dutch local council involved in legal spat



Dutch government has imposed a moratorium on drilling for shale gas in the Netherlands pending the outcome of further research


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DutchNews.nl: Shale gas company and Dutch local council involved in legal spat

British shale gas company Cuadrilla is threatening to take the town council in the Dutch town of Boxtel to court for refusing to extend its lease on a site earmarked for test drilling, news agency ANP says on Friday.

Cuadrilla on Thursday sent the council an ultimatum about its lease on land in an industrial estate and said the court documents are ‘ready to go’, ANP reports.

The shale gas firm has leased the land since 2011 but the council refuses to extend its contract, saying the rental agreement has expired. Cuadrilla claims it has the right to extend the contract.