• Natural Gas News

    Independent: How lobbying works – and why this Bill won’t change a fracking thing



An investigation into the reality of corporate influence with regards to fracking and shale gas and how they became regarded as key potential solution to Britain’s energy problems because of lobbying.


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Press Notes

Independent: How lobbying works – and why this Bill won’t change a fracking thing

As anti-fracking protesters march on the drilling site in the Sussex town of Balcombe, some environmental campaigners will doubtless question how the previously little-known method of extracting shale gas came to be regarded as the key potential solution to Britain’s energy problems.

They may not be surprised to learn that lobbying is a major part of the answer.

At the end of 2011, the chairman of the drilling company Cuadrilla, Lord Browne, arranged a series of meetings about fracking with senior ministers in the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). The former chief executive of BP – who holds a formal advisory role in the Cabinet Office – is understood to have picked up the phone at his Chelsea home and called the then Energy Secretary, Chris Huhne, to raise the matter.  MORE