• Natural Gas News

    Scotsman: Cygnus gas project is £1bn boost for North Sea



The giant Cygnus gas project will create or secure almost 1,500 Scottish jobs and pump more than £1 billion into the UK economy

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Scotsman: Cygnus gas project is £1bn boost for North Sea

The giant Cygnus gas project will create or secure almost 1,500 Scottish jobs and pump more than £1 billion into the UK economy, according to a report published to mark the start of drilling at the North Sea site.

The study by Oxford Economics for part-owner Centrica, released today, found that the scheme will add £1.29bn to the UK economy and support more than 4,820 skilled jobs during its five-year construction period.

It said economic benefits will be felt across the UK, in particular throughout Scotland and north-east England, where 19,000 tonnes of offshore infrastructure is being built at yards in Fife, the Highlands and Hartlepool. In Scotland, where one platform and the bases for all four platforms are being built, £323 million will be generated in the economy, securing 1,450 jobs.