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    Cyprus Mail: Cypriot and Greek Energy Ministers to meet EU Commissioner in Brussels



Energy Ministers of Cyprus and Greece meet EU Commissioner on Energy Union to promote a joint project on a pipeline to transfer natural gas

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: Cypriot and Greek Energy Ministers to meet EU Commissioner in Brussels

Energy Ministers of Cyprus and Greece, Yiorgos Lakkotrypis and Yiannis Maniatis respectively, plant to meet today with the EU Commissioner on Energy Union Maros Sefcovic to promote a joint project on a pipeline to transfer natural gas from the Eastern Mediterranean offshore fields to Europe.

Israeli Energy Minister Silvan Shalom will not attend the meeting, as scheduled, due to the political situation in Israel.

The Ministers have sent a letter requesting a meeting with Sefcovic. The meeting will address the issue of the planned pipeline connecting Israel, Cyprus, Greece with Europe in view of the new call by the European Commission for projects of common interest in the first quarter of 2015.

The Ministers are expected to request the approval of the project which emerged from the merger of two separate projects (Cyprus Trans Med pipeline and Greece’s East Med pipeline) and its implementation by the Greek Gas Corporation (DEPA) as a project of common interest (PCI) that will have access to EU funding for technical and feasibility studies.