• Natural Gas News

    Cyprus Mail: Energy Minister Rejects Poor Assessment of Natural Gas Prospects



The Cypriot energy minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis has denied a report that gas companies are planning to leave Cyprus due to exploration disappointments

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: Energy Minister Rejects Poor Assessment of Natural Gas Prospects

Energy minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis on Tuesday denied reports that oil and gas companies are all but on their way out of Cyprus after coming up dry in their prospecting.

The minister was responding to a report in the latest edition of the Middle East Economic Survey (MEES). The publication had noted that the two back-to-back drilling duds for the ENI-KOGAS consortium in offshore block 9 appeared “to mark the end of the road for exploration offshore Cyprus – possibly for several years.”

Read the full article HERE.