• Natural Gas News

    Cyprus Mail: Our View - Despite All the Talk No Gas Facts Forthcoming from Israel



Despite all the talks between Cyprus and Israel about energy cooperation, no clear facts have emerged, the Cyprus Mail has said in an opinion piece

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: Our View - Despite All the Talk No Gas Facts Forthcoming from Israel

Over the last couple of years we have heard an avalanche of words from Cypriot official mouths about understandings, co-operation and alliance with Israel in the energy field. There have been official and unofficial visits and no shortage of meetings, all supposedly aimed at working out the type of co-operation that would serve the interests of the two countries, but these produced nothing more than vague declarations of intent.

While the Cyprus government seemed eager to reach a deal, the Israelis were reluctant to commit to any agreement of practical import. The impression was that Israel wanted to keep all its options open regarding the exploitation of its hydrocarbons, perhaps because it had still not decided which would yield maximum advantage. The examination of the Noble-Delek monopoly by the Israeli regulatory authorities has not helped the situation either.

Read the full article HERE.