• Natural Gas News

    Albawaba: Watch out, Qatar: How Cyprus is poised to become the EU’s new energy hub



EU officials and experts voiced support over the weekend for proposals to turn Cyprus into an energy hub for Europe in order to reduce the continent’s dependence on Russian gas.


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Albawaba: Watch out, Qatar: How Cyprus is poised to become the EU’s new energy hub

EU officials and experts voiced support over the weekend for proposals to turn Cyprus into an energy hub for Europe in order to reduce the continent’s dependence on Russian gas.

The European Commission Vice President Gunther Oettinger, one of the key speakers at an energy conference in Malta, strongly advocated a long-term alternative to Russian gas.

“Stability in the region is important for our own security, as volatility, rivalry and unrest could spill over into the EU,” Oettinger said. “Security of gas supply is of particular mutual interest, and reinforcing the regional trade in gas would be of significant benefit to gas producers and consumers in the EU, North Africa and the Middle East.”