• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: Cyprus plans to export natural gas to Europe by 2018



George Lakkotrypis, Cyprus' energy minister, said that the country hopes to begin exports by 2018 and will target sales at fellow EU members as it is urgently needing revenues from its newly found reserves.


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Press Notes

Reuters: Cyprus plans to export natural gas to Europe by 2018

Cyprus, urgently needing revenues from its newly found natural gas reserves, hopes to begin exports by 2018 and will target sales at fellow European Union members, its energy minister said.

George Lakkotrypis also said gas could be sold in advance or used to help the government, which is now negotiating a multibillion-dollar bailout, to issue new debt on international markets in future.

U.S. company Noble Energy and the Cypriot government announced in 2011 that they had discovered gas deposits of around 7-8 trillion cubic feet (200 billion cubic metres), 40 percent of the EU's annual demand.

Aphrodite, as the gas field is known, has more gas than Cyprus could use in over a century, so the government hopes to boost its revenues through exports to the European Union.  MORE