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    New Europe: Cyprus Wants Club Med For Energy



Following Eni's plans to start drilling offshore Cyprus, Cypriot Foreign Affairs Minister says Mediterranean cooperation important and the region should cooperate on more issues.


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New Europe: Cyprus Wants Club Med For Energy

Italian energy company ENI’s plans to start exploratory drilling for natural gas off Cyprus highlights the important connection between Rome and Nicosia, Cyprus’ foreign minister told New Europe in Athens on 15 July.

Ioannis Kasoulides said he plans to visit Italy next week, adding that the issue of ENI’s role in Cyprus gas exploration is very timely. “With Italy, the connection with Cyprus is very important. First of all, you mentioned ENI and, of course, now these good relations have substance in co-operating on the issue of natural gas,” he said in an interview on the sidelines of a conference by the European Parliament office in Athens.

Kasoulides said besides co-operation between Rome and Nicosia on natural gas when he visits Italy next week he plans to discuss economic issues, the management of migration flows, and the Mediterranean union.

“It’s about time that like other geographical groups in Europe consult each other - let’s say the Visegrad, the Nordics, the Benelux – it’s time that the Mediterranean countries get together, not as a front against anybody but as a group with common interests: Economic, migratory flows, and the union for the Mediterranean. These are the issues I’m going to discuss when I go to Rome next week,” Cyprus’ foreign minister said.  MORE