Daily Sabah: Two Natural Gas Storage Facilities to be Built for Turkey's Energy Security
The government will support investments in two natural gas storage facilities with a total capacity of 4 billion cubic meters with a comprehensive stimulus package. The investment aims to make a major contribution to natural gas supply security and trade in Turkey as a part of endeavors to increase the natural gas storage capacity. The government is set to offer a stimulus package for two new natural gas storage facilities to be constructed in Mersin by Bendis Energy via Toren Natural Gas Storage and Mining Inc. and Gas Storage and Mining Inc. Bendis Energy will invest nearly $10.5 billion in the storage facilities that will have a total capacity of 4 billion cubic meters.
Toren Natural Gas Storage and Mining Inc. will invest nearly $7 billion in a 3-billion-cubic-meter storage facility. The company will import machines and equipment worth more than $695 million for the facility that will employ 48 people.
Gas Storage and Mining Inc. will make a fixed investment of nearly $3.5 billion in a storage facility where 1 billion cubic meters of natural gas will be stored. The company will import machines and equipment worth more than $360 million for the facility that will employ 24 people. MORE