• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: David Cameron's shale gas lifeline



David Cameron has a chance to save himself if he opts for shale gas, which will create real jobs, boost the British economy, lower energy prices, save the British countryside from destruction and reduce Britain's CO2 output.


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Press Notes

The Telegraph: David Cameron's shale gas lifeline

David Cameron's administration is in trouble, on this I think we can all agree. Even my menagerie of house trolls. It's certainly what I'm hearing from Conservative insiders. "The whole party is on manoeuvres" – someone told me the other day, meaning that every half-way ambitious MP is positioning him or herself to take advantage of the Coalition's inevitable implosion and Cameron's almost-as-inevitable downfall. As another Tory boasted to me recently, "If there's one thing we're really good at in this party, it's knifing our failing leaders in the back."  MORE