• Natural Gas News

    Denbury, Nutrien in Louisiana CCS collaboration


Project would capture and store carbon from ammonia production.

by: Dale Lunan

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Denbury, Nutrien in Louisiana CCS collaboration

Denbury Carbon Solutions and US fertiliser producer Nutrien said May 18 they had reached a term-sheet agreement under which Denbury will transport and store CO2 captured from potential clean ammonia production at Nutrien’s Geismar facility in Louisiana.

Nutrien has been capturing CO2 from nitrogen production at Geismar since 2013, and has so far sequestered more than 3mn mt of CO2. It’s now evaluating carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the ammonia production process that would produce 1.2mn mt/yr of clean ammonia and capture 1.8mn mt/yr of CO2.

Front-end engineering and design work is underway, and a final investment decision is expected in 2023. Full production and CO2 capture would begin in 2027.

The Nutrien partnership is developing alongside Denbury’s US CO2 transportation and storage business, which is now moving and storing about 14mn mt/yr of CO2. It is also pursuing additional CCS opportunities in Louisiana, Texas and Alabama with the potential to store as much as 1.4bn mt.