• Natural Gas News

    Focus: Deputy PM: I did not expect Bulgaria to be bypassed by Nabucco



Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva said “I did not expect that Bulgaria will be bypassed by Nabucco... I have always thought that Bulgaria may gain profit from such big projects.”


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Press Notes

Focus: Deputy PM: I did not expect Bulgaria to be bypassed by Nabucco

“I did not expect that Bulgaria will be bypassed by Nabucco,” said newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva speaking with journalists, FOCUS News Agency reporter informed.

Speaking of the fact that Bulgaria will be bypassed by Nabucco Bobeva said further: “It is sad. I was shocked. I did not expect it. Probably I have not been following this issue. I was Vice-President of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, which finances such projects. I have always thought that Bulgaria may gain profit from such big projects. Bulgaria should take advantage of its location. Unfortunately, just about like everything else in Bulgaria, there are many different opinions on everything and it is really hard for the good things to become a fact.”  MORE