• Natural Gas News

    Dominion expands net-zero commitment to Scope 2, 3


The company outlined the steps it would take to achieve its expanded goal.

by: Joseph Murphy

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Dominion expands net-zero commitment to Scope 2, 3

US energy group Dominion Energy has expanded its net-zero commitment to include Scope 2 and 3 carbon and methane emissions, the company announced on February 11.

Dominion committed in November 2020 to producing net-zero emissions from power generation and natural gas operations under its control, or Scope 1 emissions, by 2050. It has now broadened the goal to include Scope 2 and 3 emissions from the electricity it consumes but does not produce, and the downstream use of its energy by customers and those associated with its upstream suppliers.

"These commitments are a natural next step, building upon our industry-leading programmes to drive down carbon and methane emissions within our own operations," Dominion said. "We are now formalising our efforts to help customers and suppliers decarbonise, as part of our work to build a clean and sustainable company."

Dominion will target Scope 3 emissions in categories from three sources: electricity purchased to power the grid, fuel for its power stations and gas distribution systems, and consumption by gas customers.

The company said it supported federal methane regulation, and outlined steps it would take to deliver on its net-zero target. It will seek greater disclosure from its upstream suppliers on their emissions and plans for reducing them, while preferencing offers for responsibly sourced gas or suppliers committed to net zero. It will also draw up plans to expand its customers' access to responsibly sourced gas, pursue hydrogen use, cut the carbon intensity of power it sources from the market and continue investing in energy efficiency.

Utah governor Spencer Cox welcomed the expanded commitment by Dominion, "applaud[ing] their efforts to adapt, find new solutions, and continue to provide affordable and durable energy, while looking for ways to lead through innovation."