• Natural Gas News

    Hydrogen Fuel News: E.ON injects hydrogen fuel into Germany natural gas grid



E.ON, the world’s largest investor owned electric utility based in Europe, has completed a new power-to-gas demonstration in Falkenhagen, Germany.


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Hydrogen Fuel News: E.ON injects hydrogen fuel into Germany natural gas grid

First Hydrogen from E.ON Power-to-Gas Plant Injected into the Natural Gas Grid - See more at: http://www.fuelcelltoday.com/news-events/news-archive/2013/june/first-hydrogen-from-eon-power-to-gas-plant-injected-into-the-natural-gas-grid#sthash.gLCzmENu.dpuf

E.ON, the world’s largest investor owned electric utility based in Europe, has completed a new power-to-gas demonstration in Falkenhagen, Germany. The demonstration was meant to show that hydrogen fuel could be injected into the existing natural gas grid of the German state. This demonstration is part of an overarching project that is represented by a power-to-gas facility. At this facility, hydrogen fuel is produced in order to be fed into the Falkenhagen natural gas infrastructure.

Facility uses Hydrogenics technology to produce fuel

The facility itself is equipped with electrolyzers from Hydrogenics, a leading developer of hydrogen production technologies. The facility draws electrical power from a nearby wind energy system. This electricity is used to power Hydrogenics’ electrolyzers and produce hydrogen fuel. The purpose of the facility is to serve as an adequate source of hydrogen fuel. This fuel will be used for numerous purposes once it is being regularly fed into the natural gas grid.  MORE