• Natural Gas News

    Hurriyet Daily News: Will Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Be Able to Resolve the Cyprus Issue?



Turkey needs a new strategy that will ensure Cyprus will align with Turkey rather than the European Union because of its gas finds, Hurriyet Daily News writes

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Hurriyet Daily News: Will Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas Be Able to Resolve the Cyprus Issue?

The Cyprus issue, in spite of being the most controversial topic of Turkish politics and Turkish Foreign Policy, has been on the table with minimum progress toward a solution for years. 

This issue, defined as a conflict in Turkish foreign policy in 1960s, reached its peak with the Cyprus Peace Operation, conducted by Turkey in 1974, and evolved into a different phase until now. In 2015, the discovery of gas in Eastern Mediterranean left its mark on the Cyprus issue. 

Read the full article HERE.