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    European Commission Launches Call for Proposals Under CEF for Project of Common Interest



The Commission launched a call for proposals under the CEF to help finance key trans-European energy projects on the list of 'projects of common interest'.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News

European Commission Launches Call for Proposals Under CEF for Project of Common Interest

The European Commission launched on Tuesday a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to help finance key trans-European energy infrastructure projects already on the list of 'projects of common interest'. 

‘Up to €550 million will be made available for projects which will contribute to develop a resilient Energy Union. Once in place, these projects will contribute to end energy isolation and to eliminate energy bottlenecks that prevent the completion of the European internal energy market’ reads a note released on Tuesday.

According to European institutions, these funds will stimulate additional financing from private and public investors. 

‘With a total amount of €650 million for grants foreseen in 2015, this is the second of the two calls scheduled for this year. The deadline to submit applications is 30 September 2015’ the European Commission explained. 

Total EU financing for energy infrastructure under the CEF is €5.35 billion for the 2014-2020 period. 

“Well-connected and reliable energy networks are crucial to build a resilient the Energy Union” EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete commented.

Meanwhile, European institutions are also eying interventions and a stronger focus on (i) emissions, and (ii) on the Balkans. 

“After 16 hours of work we finalised the text of two agreements – on principles of the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities in Kosovo and on the implementation arrangements in the field of telecoms. Final political agreement however could not be reached. We will now reflect on future steps” High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said on Tuesday, commenting on her meeting with Serbian Prime Ministers Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo’s Isa Mustafa in Brussels on Monday.

European authorities are also working on new emissions rules. 

‘The Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) of the Council confirmed the agreement with the European Parliament on a new directive to limit the emissions of certain pollutants from medium combustion plants. These new rules are part of the clean air legislative package, which aims at improving  air quality in the EU’ reads a separate communiqué.