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  • Natural Gas News

    Egypt breaks ground on Western Desert gas pipe


The country has also launched a new field.

by: Joseph Murphy

Posted in:

Complimentary, Natural Gas & LNG News, Africa, Corporate, Exploration & Production, Infrastructure, , News By Country, Egypt

Egypt breaks ground on Western Desert gas pipe

Egypt broke ground on October 9 on a pipeline in its Western Desert region that will carry up to 15mn ft3/day of gas, its petroleum ministry announced on social media.

The pipeline is being built by the Egyptian General Petroleum, a state-owned company that currently produces around 74,000 barrels of oil equivalent/day of hydrocarbons, the ministry said. No further details about the project were revealed.


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EGPC also reported launching the Bahar Northwest gas field in the Eastern Desert region on October 9, which will flow at an initial rate of 15mn ft3/day.

Egyptian gas production has gone from strength to strength in recent years on the back of development of the Eni-operated Zohr project and other large offshore gas fields.