• Natural Gas News

    Globes: Eni's Egypt gas find limits Israel's export options



Eni's discovery at the Zohr gas field suggests Israeli exports to Egypt are no longer on the agenda


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Globes: Eni's Egypt gas find limits Israel's export options

The Egyptian discovery changes the entire energy picture in the Middle East;" "Exports from Leviathan to Egypt are no longer possible, but they are still possible from Tamar;" "Exports from Tamar are off the agenda;" "The gas outline agreement must be completely rewritten;" "The gas outline agreement must be implemented as quickly as possible," these are just some of the reactions from Israel's politicians and businesspeople after Italian energy company Eni announced two days ago that it had found a "supergiant" gas field 190 kilometers off the coast of Egypt.

While Israel's Minister of Energy Yuval Steinitz says that the significance of the Egyptian gas discovery is that the gas outline agreement must be approved, energy experts around the world claim that Israeli exports to Egypt are no longer on the agenda and that, "Israel must consider a new path," if it ever wants the Leviathan field to be developed. So what really is the significance of the Egyptian find for Israeli natural gas exports to Egypt, and will it influence Israeli exports to Jordan, what other options are there for developing the Leviathan reservoir and if changes should be made in the gas outline agreement?

Read the full article HERE