• Natural Gas News

    Cyprus Mail: Talks with Egypt over possible gas exports



The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company held talks with BG Egypt to discuss possible export of Cyprus’ natural gas to the company`s infrastructure in Egypt.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: Talks with Egypt over possible gas exports

The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company (CHC) on Monday held talks with BG Egypt to discuss possible export of Cyprus’ natural gas to the company`s infrastructure in Egypt.

Speaking after the meeting with the British-Egyptian company lasting more than two hours, CHC head Toula Onoufriou stressed its importance for the future exploitation of Cyprus’ hydrocarbons.

“This meeting is a milestone, marking the beginning of a series of initiatives by the CHC aiming at creating better conditions for the disposal of Cyprus gas, so that once conditions are mature enough, which is expected in the coming months, we can have before us the best possible options,” Onoufriou said.

She said that contacts with BG Egypt would continue with the aim to explore in more detail technical, economic, legal and geopolitical aspects, so that a framework could emerge on a range of scenarios for a possible sale agreement.