• Natural Gas News

    ANSAmed: Energy: Cyprus and Jordan sign a Memorandum of Understanding



Cyprus' Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis was due home on Wednesday after a series of meetings in Jordan on energy issues ans the signature of a MoU

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ANSAmed: Energy: Cyprus and Jordan sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Cyprus' Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis was due home on Wednesday after a series of meetings in Jordan on energy issues ans the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding, as Cyprus Mail online reports. Lakkotrypis on Tuesday had separate meetings with Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour, Minister of Energy Mohammad Hamed, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Nidal Mardi Al Katamine, Minister of Industry and Trade Hatem Hafez Al Halawani as well as with the leadership of Amman's Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

During his meeting with the Jordanian Prime Minister, Lakktotrypis stressed that Cyprus and Jordan constituted pillars of stability and that close cooperation between the two countries was in the interests of both Cyprus and Jordan and the region as a whole. On his part Jordan's Prime Minister expressed its country's interest in further developing bilateral trade ties in all fields giving special emphasis on cooperation in the field of supplying Jordan with Cypriot natural gas.