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    Christian Science Monitor: Why Energy Is Front and Center in EU-US Trade Talks



Europe is hoping to make some stronger trade ties with the U.S. for energy, including gas, to break its ties to Russia, the Christian Science Monitor writes

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Christian Science Monitor: Why Energy Is Front and Center in EU-US Trade Talks

When negotiations between the United States and the European Union began on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in 2013, a top priority for the Europeans was inclusion of a chapter specifically covering raw materials and energy. Although a separate energy chapter is not the norm in free trade agreements (FTAs), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) does contain one and the EU-Ukraine FTA agreed in June 2014 has specific energy provisions. A strong case can be made to highlight the geopolitical implications of energy in TTIP as well, consistent with language in the U.S. National Security Strategy that underlines the importance to the United States of Europe’s energy security.

Read the full article HERE.