• Natural Gas News

    Energy Global: Norway supplies 21% of Europe natural gas needs



According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), Norway is the world’s third largest natural gas exporter, behind Russia and Qatar.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Energy Global: Norway supplies 21% of Europe natural gas needs

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), Norway is the world’s third largest natural gas exporter, behind Russia and Qatar.

Natural gas production: EIA estimates that Norway produced 3.97 trillion ft3 of dry natural gas in 2013, a decline of 0.18 trillion ft3 from 2012. Net exports have been estimated at 3.8 trillion ft3 for 2013. This amounts to 96% of production, due to low domestic demand.

According to estimates from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the single largest producing field in Norway is Troll. This field produced 1.0 trillion ft3 in 2013, representing 27% of Norway’s total natural gas production that year. Three other major producing fields in 2013 were Ormen Lange (0.76 trillion ft3), Asgard (0.34 trillion ft3), and Kvitebjorn (0.24 trillion ft3). Together, these four fields accounted for over 60% of Norway’s total dry natural gas production last year.