• Natural Gas News

    Daily Sabah: Energy Reality - On Europe, Erdoğan and Democracy



In an opinion piece for Daily Sabah, columnist Celim Ertem asks whether Erdogan's energy policies will lead to more peace than cooperation with Russia

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Daily Sabah: Energy Reality - On Europe, Erdoğan and Democracy

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said during the sixth World Forum on Energy Regulation held in Istanbul earlier in the week that if the energy resources of the world remain under the ground and are not distributed fairly, it will lead to a war. However, if they are included in world trade and used for the good of all humankind, it will lead to peace.

Throughout the 20th century energy resources were tapped in amounts that would bring profit to energy monopolies rather than in amounts that would satisfy the need of humanity. A large portion of energy resources were kept under the ground, bringing no prosperity for humankind. However, the 21st century bears dynamics that can subvert this irrational reality.

Read the full article HERE.