• Natural Gas News

    FT: Energy price gap with the US to hurt Europe for ‘at least 20 years’



Fatih Birol says the energy price gas with the US is going to hurt Europe for ‘at least 20 years’, damaging the competitiveness of industries that employ almost 30m people.


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Press Notes

FT: Energy price gap with the US to hurt Europe for ‘at least 20 years’

High gas and electricity prices will continue to plague Europe for at least 20 years, damaging the competitiveness of industries that employ almost 30m people, the world’s leading energy forecaster has warned.

In findings likely to inflame claims EU climate change policies are damaging the bloc’s manufacturers, the International Energy Agency said Europe will lose a third of its global market share of energy-intensive exports over the next two decades because energy prices will stay stubbornly higher than those in the US.  MORE