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    Financial Times: Energy reforms will fuel UK economic growth



Ed Davey: Energy reforms in the UK will fuel economic growth. Investors urge to complete energy reforms as quickly as possible.


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Financial Times: Energy reforms will fuel UK economic growth

From Edward Davey MP.

Sir, Lord Browne is right to reject a simplistic approach to energy policy (“UK still has the energy to power recovery”, September 19). But his analysis of current government policy seems regrettably partial.

There is no “unthinking abandonment” of fossil fuels. Indeed our carbon plan implies a very significant role for unabated gas throughout the 2020s, and as back-up or with carbon capture and storage through the 2030s and 2040s.

We expect new gas capacity of up to 20GW to be built between now and 2030.

Shale gas may well play a part in our energy mix too, but until we have more certainty about the scale and costs of shale gas production in the UK it is unwise to assume it will be some kind of silver bullet.  MORE