• Natural Gas News

    The Parliament: Energy union attacked for continued reliance on gas supplies



Brussels is hoping to diversify its gas and energy suppliers in order to reduce Russian president Vladimir Putin's negotiating power in times of conflict.


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Press Notes

The Parliament: Energy union attacked for continued reliance on gas supplies

Late last year, the commission set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030, and increasing energy efficiency and renewables by at least 27 per cent. 

Yet the energy efficiency target is not binding at national or EU level, and the renewables target is only binding at EU level. It is unclear how this will play into the new energy union plans, but the commission seems to have ignored any criticisms, referring to these targets in its communication as "ambitious".

Moreover, "producing oil and gas from unconventional sources in Europe such as shale gas is an option, provided that issues of public acceptance and environmental impact are adequately addressed".

The commission's apparent commitment to "public acceptance" is interesting, as it was previously reported that during the course of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership negotiations, the EU planned to make provisions to import US gas and oil acquired through fracking.

Read the full article HERE