• Natural Gas News

    Eni Makes Important Gas Discovery in Egypt



Eni on Monday said it has made an important gas discovery in the Nooros exploration prospect, located in the Abu Madi West license in the Nile Delta in Egypt.

by: shardul

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Eni Makes Important Gas Discovery in Egypt

Eni on Monday said it has made an important gas discovery in the Nooros exploration prospect, located in the Abu Madi West license in the Nile Delta in Egypt.

Preliminary estimates of the discovery account for a potential of 15 billion cubic meters of gas in place with upside, plus associated condensates, the Italian firm announced.

“Eni achieved the important exploration success through the Nidoco NW2 Dir NFW well, which reached a total depth of 3,600 meters and encountered a 60 meters thick gas bearing sandstone interval of Messianian age with excellent petrophysical properties, further of other gas layers in the overlying Pliocene section,” Eni said.

The new discovery will be put into production in two months’ time through a tie-in to the existing Abu Madi gas treatment plant, located 25 kilometers south-east.

This discovery, according to Eni, is the result of the new strategy to re-focus its activity on near field and incremental exploration opportunities with high potential value, which allow in case of success their quick exploitation  through the already existing and synergic nearby infrastructures.

Eni holds a 75 percent of working interest in the West Abu Madi development lease, with BP as a partner with 25 percent.