• Natural Gas News

    Eni's Coral Sul FLNG achieves 5mn tonnes of LNG production


Coral Sul FLNG commenced production in October 2022 and has so far exported 70 cargoes of LNG. [Image: Eni]

by: Shardul Sharma

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Africa, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), News By Country, Mozambique

Eni's Coral Sul FLNG achieves 5mn tonnes of LNG production

Eni's Coral Sul FLNG, located in the ultra-deep waters of the Rovuma Basin offshore Mozambique, has produced 5mn tonnss of LNG since it began operations, the company announced on August 23.

Coral Sul FLNG commenced production in October 2022 and has so far exported 70 cargoes of LNG and 10 cargoes of condensate. The facility has a gas liquefaction capacity of 3.4mn tonnes/year and processes gas from the giant Coral reservoir in the Rovuma Basin. Coral Sul FLNG is notable as the first floating LNG facility deployed in the deep waters of the African continent.

Eni is the operator of Area 4, where its partners include ExxonMobil, CNPC, GALP, KOGAS, and ENH.