• Natural Gas News

    Enshrining Energy Security



Numerous articles in Natural Gas for Europe have the mention of 'energy security'; it is very topical to say the least. In Turkey, energy security...

by: C_Ladd

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, News By Country,

Enshrining Energy Security

Numerous articles in Natural Gas for Europe have the mention of 'energy security'; it is very topical to say the least.

In Turkey, energy security appears about to be elevated to a new level.

Today’s Zaman reports that a confidential document that sets out Turkey’s security priorities will, for the first time,  include references to energy security,

The National Security Policy Document, sometimes referred to as Turkey's secret constitution because of the dominant role it plays in determining domestic and external security priorities, is revised every five years to reflect changing internal and global circumstances.

Sources claim that in the document, whose revision is expected to take effect in the coming months, Turkey now considers the security of energy lines and corridors to be strictly associated with world security.

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