• Natural Gas News

    SHIP: “Environmental impacts caused by fracking” addressed in German conference



International conference in Berlin concluded that German mining authorities as well as industry should examine further strategies and possibilities for data sharing with third parties according.


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SHIP: “Environmental impacts caused by fracking” addressed in German conference

Proper access to all available data is a prerequisite for a sound evaluation of the potential risks related to future shale gas development in Germany. To improve access to available data, German mining authorities as well as industry should examine further strategies and possibilities for data sharing with third parties. This was one of the findings from the International Conference “Environmental impacts caused by fracking” that was held on 3 December 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

The conference was hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) to support political decision making on shale gas in Germany. The objective of the conference was to present the results of a recent BMU-commissioned expert study and to discuss them in an international context. The conference was intended to give further recommendations to the German parliament which may finalize new legislation on shale gas next year.

The harmonization of German mining and water laws was one of the topics identified to be addressed urgently. Additionally, there is a strong call for an obligatory Environmental Impact Assessment for each shale gas well in Germany. To ensure future safe water supply from groundwater, hydraulic fracturing for shale gas will most probably be prohibited in German water protection areas.  MORE