• Natural Gas News

    EPA Defers on Norwest's Arrowsmith



Western Australia's Environmental Protection Authority has elected not to assess Norwest Energy's Arrowsmith-2 well at the EP413 permit.The EPA said...

by: ash

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EPA Defers on Norwest's Arrowsmith

Western Australia's Environmental Protection Authority has elected not to assess Norwest Energy's Arrowsmith-2 well at the EP413 permit.

The EPA said that Arrowsmith had a small significant impact on the environment and that Western Australia’s Department of Mines and Petroleum will assess the project.

Norwest had planned to start hydraulic stimulation activities in September 1st on the Arrowsmith-2 well, however those plans were delayed after its application was referred to the EPA for investigation of the potential for groundwater contamination, a review process that Norwest at the time said could take up to three months.

“This is a small-scale proof of concept project that is considered as not having a significant impact on the environment,” the EPA said in the determination.

A Norwest spokesman said the company hoped to be back on track for a start to fracture stimulation activities by mid-September.

The Authority made the same determination over the Woodada Deep-1 project, 10 kilometres west of Eneabba and about 30 kilometres south of the EP413 permit.

Norwest holds a 27.9% stake in Arrowsmith-2 while Bharat PetroResources holds 27.8% and Australia-listed AWE holds 44.2%.