• Natural Gas News

    The Baltic Times: Reinsalu recommends saying “no” to Nord Stream



Defense Minister Urmas Reinsalu recommends saying a firm "no" to the wish of Nord Stream AG to conduct scientific marine studies including potential installation, usage and maintenance of the gas pipeline as it carries different security risks.


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Press Notes

The Baltic Times: Reinsalu recommends saying “no” to Nord Stream

Estonian Defense Ministry sent a letter last week to Foreign Minister Urmas Paet in which Defense Minister Urmas Reinsalu recommends saying a firm "no" to the wish of Nord Stream AG top conduct studies in Estonia's economic waters, Eesti Paevaleht writes.

Nord Stream wants to conducts the studies to build two more pipelines transporting gas from Russia to Germany in the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Reinsalu says that thorough analyses of the Defense Ministry indicate that Nord Stream AG's "scientific marine studies and potential installation, usage and maintenance of the gas pipeline carry different security risks." Thus Reinsalu recommends saying a firm "no."  MORE