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    ITAR-TASS: EU suggests dumping gas prices for Ukraine



The European Union has offered reverse-flow gas supplies to Ukraine at a price lower than that of Russia’s Gazprom, Naftogaz of Ukraine CEO said

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ITAR-TASS: EU suggests dumping gas prices for Ukraine

The European Union has offered reverse-flow gas supplies to Ukraine at a price lower than that of Russia’s Gazprom, Naftogaz of Ukraine CEO Andrei Kobolev said on Monday, June 16.

He said Ukraine had earlier asked the EU to increase reverse-flow gas supplies to the country.

The transit of gas to Europe depends on whether Ukraine’s underground storage facilities are filled sufficiently with at least 18.5 billion cubic meters of gas. According to the EU, there are 12 billion cubic meters of gas in the storage facilities now.

“The European Commission has for the first time officially asked European companies to consider buying gas for pumping into Ukraine’s underground gas storage facilities,” Kobolev said, adding, “the price of European companies is lower than that offered Gazprom subject to a discount.”