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    The Guardian: EU energy and climate talks – not Juncker – are the real show in Brussels



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The Guardian: EU energy and climate talks – not Juncker – are the real show in Brussels

Drivers through the European quarter in central Brussels on Friday got a shock as giant banners were unfurled in front of the EU buildings showing political leaders speeding off the edge of a cliff.

Much as many voters might relish the idea of sending their country leaders off in such a fashion, the cartoons had a serious point – heads of government are meeting in Brussels today to thrash out the details of Europe’s future energy and climate change policies. There are widespread fears among green campaigners and some MEPs that the meeting will produce only a weak deal, if any at all.

The three banners were unfurled by 35 Greenpeace activists, braving an impending thunderstorm, who are angry that the options on the table for the leaders, including UK prime minister, David Cameron, and Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, do not go far enough. An analysis by the group found that the European economy could benefit from much stronger energy and climate targets than are currently on the table.