• Natural Gas News

    Forbes: Hurrah! The European Union Will Not Be Regulating Fracking For Natural Gas



Activists are being given the grants from a European Commission environmental fund, which enables a network of green groups to influence and promote EU policy.


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Press Notes

Forbes: Hurrah! The European Union Will Not Be Regulating Fracking For Natural Gas

One of the worries that we over here in Europe have had is that the European Union will decide to regulate the practice of fracking for natural gas. No, this isn’t because we believe (nor that I believe either) that there should be no regulation at all. Rather, because the EU itself is the wrong organisation to be doing the regulating. And there’s two very good reasons for that.

Here’s the news that the EU isn’t going to be the regulator:

Fracking for cheap gas moved a step closer today after EU officials dropped proposals for new industry regulations.