• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: EU gas imports from Russia could drop a quarter by 2020



Europe's natural gas imports from Russia to reduce by more than a quarter by the end of the decade as a result of the Ukraine crisis

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Reuters: EU gas imports from Russia could drop a quarter by 2020

Europe is stitching together a patchwork of measures that could reduce its natural gas imports from Russia by over a quarter by the end of the decade as a result of the Ukraine crisis, halting Moscow's tightening grip over the region's energy.

Russia's seizure of Ukraine's Crimea region has chilled political relations between Russia and the European Union, prompting governments across the bloc to look at ways to cut demand, find alternative supplies and switch to other fuel sources such as coal and renewables.

Reuters calculations suggest these steps could slash imports from Russia by around 45 billion cubic meters (bcm) by 2020, worth $18 billion a year, equivalent to a quarter of what Russia currently supplies.