• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: EU Traders Betting on Ukraine Deal as Winter Gas at Record Low



Many EU traders are betting that Russia will help to stabilise the market by negotiating a new gas deal with Ukraine

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Bloomberg: EU Traders Betting on Ukraine Deal as Winter Gas at Record Low

European Union traders are betting Ukraine will reach a deal to keep natural gas supplies flowing from Russia when the nations meet EU representatives Tuesday.

Gas for delivery this winter in the U.K., Europe’s most traded market, fell to the lowest on record on the ICE Futures Europe exchange, signaling traders aren’t worried about supplies when the heating season starts in October. Russia approved Monday a new deal for Ukraine that will leave the price it pays OAO Gazprom unchanged in the third quarter, said Alexey Miller, chief executive officer of the Moscow-based company.

Read the full article HERE.