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    ITAR-TASS: EU monitors Russia-Ukraine gas deal fulfillment



"We proceed from the fact that all the sides will fulfill their obligations thoroughly and conscientiously," a source from the EU said

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ITAR-TASS: EU monitors Russia-Ukraine gas deal fulfillment

The European Commission (EC) is closely watching the implementation of a gas deal reached between Russia and Ukraine, including Ukraine’s gas debt repayment and the resumption of natural gas supplies, an EU source said on Wednesday.

"We proceed from the fact that all the sides will fulfill their obligations thoroughly and conscientiously," the source said.

European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic will now take the place of former EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger in gas talks between Russia and Ukraine, the EC press office said on Wednesday.

Russia and Ukraine agreed at their consultations with the EU’s mediation in Brussels on October 31 on the resumption of Russian natural gas supplies for Ukrainian consumers, their guaranteed transit to Europe across Ukraine and Kiev’s partial gas debt repayment.