• Natural Gas News

    BBC: Coverage of EU Parliament Debate on Shale Gas



On 20 November 2012 the European Parliament debated reports by the Industry and Environment Committees, that say that national governments should have the choice on whether to exploit shale gas but that national and EU legislation needs to be sufficiently strict. The European Parliament have debated reports by the Industry and Environment Committees, that say that national governments should have the choice on whether to exploit shale gas but that national and EU legislation needs to be sufficiently strict.


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Press Notes

BBC: Coverage of EU Parliament Debate on Shale Gas

MEPs have been deeply divided over the possibility of shale gas extraction as a way of boosting Europe's energy supplies.

On 20 November 2012 the European Parliament debated reports by the Industry and Environment Committees, that say that national governments should have the choice on whether to exploit shale gas but that national and EU legislation needs to be sufficiently strict.

LINK to BBC Coverage of EU Parliament of Debate on reports by the Industry and Environment Committees on Shale Gas (Recorded)