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    Deutsche Welle: EU wants to pay a uniform price for Russian gas



EU Energy Comissioner official said he would like to see all member states pay the same price for Russian natural gas

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Deutsche Welle: EU wants to pay a uniform price for Russian gas

Energy and growth go hand in hand. That’s why the EU, Russia, Poland and Ukraine haven’t wasted any time to look for common ground in the upheaval created by unrest in eastern Ukraine.

The EU's top energy official said he would like to see all member states pay the same price for Russian natural gas. EU Energy Comissioner Günther Oettinger made the suggestion during a meeting in Warsaw with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Nearly a third of the EU's gas demand is currently sourced from Russia. But Russia's Gazprom, the country's largest gas exporter, has said those deliveries could be threatened due to an ongoing dispute with Ukraine about gas prices. Some of the gas reaching Europe is transported from Russia over Ukraine.

Oettinger's comment come as Ukraine seeks to import more natural gas from Europe to lower its dependency on Russian gas.