• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: European Power Grid Group Says More Fossil-Fuel Plants Needed



Grid-operators group Entsoe says Europe’s share of renewable power capacity will rise to more than 40 percent by 2020, which will spur a need for additional back-up coal and natural gas plants.


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Press Notes

Bloomberg: European Power Grid Group Says More Fossil-Fuel Plants Needed

Europe’s share of renewable power capacity will rise to more than 40 percent by 2020, spurring a need for additional back-up coal and natural gas plants, according to Entsoe, the region’s grid-operators group.

Total generating capacity in 2020 is projected at about 1,185 gigawatts, Entsoe said in a report today. Renewable sources will account for 512 gigawatts, an increase of about 50 percent from now and more than the 471 gigawatts estimated for coal, natural gas and oil plants. The rest will come mainly from nuclear reactors. Europe will need 38 gigawatts of “reliably available capacity” in addition to already confirmed investments to maintain the balance between supply and demand.  MORE