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    Polskie Radio: EU to reject Poland's energy union plan?



The EU’s Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger has criticised Polish prime minister Donald Tusk’s plan for a pan-European energy union

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Polskie Radio: EU to reject Poland's energy union plan?

The EU’s Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger has criticised Polish prime minister Donald Tusk’s plan for a pan-European energy union. Speaking to German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Oettinger said that “gas is a product, not a policy weapon for the EU.”

The comment comes as Prime Minister Donald Tusk recently put forward the idea of an energy union which would see the EU buy gas a single bloc from external sources, notably Russia’s Gazprom. However, Oettinger did state that he is for the development of the EU’s gas pipeline network in order to increase connectivity between member states and enhance energy security.

According to the commissioner, such a move would prevent Russia from playing one EU country off against another.