• Natural Gas News

    Daily Express: EU study shows UK gas bills soar as they plummet in Europe



A new EU study which shows gas bills in the UK have soared while plummeting in Europe lays bare the energy price rip-off faced by British consumers.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Daily Express: EU study shows UK gas bills soar as they plummet in Europe

Despite a dramatic recent fall in gas and oil prices, energy companies have forced a 13 per cent hike on Britain in the last three years yet there has been a typical reduction 0.5 per cent across Europe.

Wholesale gas costs have fallen by around seven per cent over the last year, and currently sit at a four-year low, but customers are still being charged at least three times the price their suppliers pay for the fuel.

Campaigners are now demanding immediate action to end the fuel misery for millions as winter continues its icy grip on the country. Gillian Guy, of Citizens Advice, said: “There can be no more ifs and buts - all energy firms must now cut household bills.”

And Howard Cox, founder of the FairFuel UK campaign, accused fuel retailers of “pure opportunistic profiteering” for not passing on all of the drop in wholesale oil prices.