• Natural Gas News

    Hurriyet Daily News: Designing a New EU-Turkey Strategic Gas Partnership



In an opinion piece, Simone Tagliapietra & Georg Zachmann say the failure of projects such as Nabucco highlights why the EU and Turkey need to work together

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Hurriyet Daily News: Designing a New EU-Turkey Strategic Gas Partnership

The 2014 Ukraine crisis reinforced the EU’s quest for gas supply security. The European Commission released an Energy Union Communication in February, calling for intensified work on the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) and for the establishment of a new strategic energy partnership with Turkey. 

In the last decade, the failure of the Nabucco pipeline project, combined with EU vagueness about the opening of the accession process’ energy chapter, has brought EU-Turkey energy relations to a dead-end. This situation is in the strategic interest of neither the EU nor Turkey.

Read the full article HERE.