• Natural Gas News

    Trend: Three Reasons for Intensification of EU-Turkmenistan Gas Negotiations



As the European Union ramps up its drive to import Turkmen gas, Trend speaks to a reseracher at the French Institute of International Relations to find out why

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Trend: Three Reasons for Intensification of EU-Turkmenistan Gas Negotiations

The Southern Gas Corridor is a means towards strengthening energy security of Europe, researcher of French institute of international relations and one of the reasons why the EU has stepped up talks with Turkmenistan on energy cooperation, researcher of the French Institute of International Relations Aurélie Bros told Trend.

Earlier, Vice President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic following the talks in Turkmenistan said that the EU expects to start receiving Turkmen gas already in 2019.

Read the full article HERE.