Bellona: EURACOAL confuses press release with suicide note
On 10 October 2014, Euracoal – the European coal lobby – presented the world with a list of arguments as to why coal should be ignored and regarded as irrelevant in all future EU energy discussion. The report reads as a subconscious suicide note for the EU coal industry. The title of the report “Less climate ambition delivers more” is sufficient to inform any reader of how far from reality Euracoal has strayed, and how little reason there is to take them seriously.
Aside from the fact that “less climate ambition delivers more” global warming, more sea level rise, more ocean acidification, more unpredictable climate, more migration and more unstable global governance, the arguments portrayed by Euracoal in the report are obsolete, misleading and largely down right incorrect.
The report states that “The coal industry asks that any target for 2030 must be realistic and only decided after the 2015 climate summit in Paris”. As the authors are surely aware, should the EU attend the 2015 UN climate negotiation without any settled ambition level, it would be most unhelpful in terms of getting commitments from other parts of the world.