• Natural Gas News

    Silk Road Reporters: As Europe Sours on Gazprom, Competitors Jump In



Silk Road Reporters looks at the factors that have added urgency to the EU's efforts to diversify from Russian fuel supply & at the suppliers waiting to compete

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Silk Road Reporters: As Europe Sours on Gazprom, Competitors Jump In

While the EU has long been concerned about its over reliance on natural gas purchases from Russian state monopoly Gazprom, deteriorating Western-Russian relations following Russia’s March 2014 annexation of Crimea have given EU efforts an added urgency over concerns that Russia could use Gazprom sales as retaliation for Western imposed sanctions. Gazprom now supplies more than one-third of Europe’s oil and slightly less than 30 percent of its natural gas and in Gazprom’s interminable wrangles with Ukraine over gas deliveries and transit, the EU sees unsettling precedents.

Read the full article HERE.